Wednesday 6 January 2021

Christmas and all that!


Christmas was a very quiet one this year. I guess it was the same for most families.

Unfortunately I have suffered with some complications post COVID, however I'm on an upwards curve now and the dogs are doing just great.

Those of you who know me, will know how stubborn I can be and how my dogs always come first - so dodgy chest or not we have still been out walking daily. I sound like I smoke 40 a day and sometimes have to stop to catch my breath, but the doggos are happy and healthy and that is what is most important to me.

We met with Floyd a few weeks ago for a socially distanced dog walk, which was lovely. He has grown into such a darling young man and his mum is doing a fantastic job of raising him.

He also pulls the same wild faces that his Mother and sister both do!

I have had some great updates from the puppy families who I haven't managed to visit in person.

Heres little Rex, who looks very festive laid out in front of the fire.

Bea, who enjoyed some evening walkies on the beach. (How fantastic is this picture?!)

Blu with Big brother Alfie.

Vincent enjoying snuggles with his grandpawrents in Edinburgh. 

Archie, who just looks delighted to be wearing his tie 😂😂😂

Violet with her mum and big sister Rosie.

And Otis, who would rather just snuggle. Can't say I blame him!

I have also been involved in the rescue and rehome of this little lady. Ellie; an apricot toy that I was asked to find a suitable family for. 
Ellie is not of my breeding, but I will always help where I can. Ellie is now living in Hertfordshire with Heather and Peter who own Otto; a pup from our first litter. 
I am so glad to have managed to find her a forever family. There really couldn't have been a more perfect family for her.
Massive thanks also to our friend Jade, for grooming her and sending some fantastic before and after shots. What a transformation!

Other than that, we have just been walking and enjoying the weather.
Dartmoor is a constant bog right now, and walking in mud is hard work with a bad chest, so we are doing street walking on particularly wet days. Unfortunately street walking pictures are no fun, so here are some from the Moors instead.

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