Friday 28 August 2020

Puppy Wait List.


Please note that I am no longer taking enquiries for female puppies. Our wait list for girls is most definitely full.

Should you wish to enquire after a male puppy please email me by clicking the 'Contact us' link on the right hand side of the screen or via our Facebook page and I will send a puppy questionnaire for you to complete.

Edna continues to thrive and is still very fit and active. Here she is enjoying some time on Dartmoor.


Saturday 22 August 2020

Edna is expecting!


Just a quick note to say that Edna had her ultrasound scan today and is pregnant! Babies are due in around 4 weeks time. The scanner counted 9 babies in total, although scans are not 100% accurate so we shall see...

Daddy to Edna's future babies is Somanic Latin Lover aka Ghost who is a beautiful white boy belonging to judge and breeder Marlene Carter of Somanic Poodles. Ghost was selected to sire Edna's puppies for various reasons; such as genetic diversity (my puppies will have a 5 generation inbreeding coi% of just 0.4) and also due to his wonderful temprament and structure. He is from a long line of champions and is truely a born showman himself, placing 2rd in his class at Crufts 2020 and being given a wonderful critique as below:

'Another gorgeous head and eye, in fabulous coat. Lovely to go over '

Ghost is DNA tested clear of DM, NEWS, PRA and VWD, his hip score is currently pending. He is an absolute dreamboat and very snuggly. I could easily have taken him home with me!

Here is a photo of Edna this time at 35 days gestation, versus the same gestation day on  her 2018 litter.

Sunday 16 August 2020

Arran Dog Bakery

The Isle of Arran is a small but beautiful island in Scotland and although I haven't managed to get there for years, it is a very special place to all in my family as one of the beaches is where my grandparents and several other family members (and their dogs!) have their final resting place. 

Because I love the island so much I follow some of the small businesses there on Facebook and couldn't resist joining in with an online competition to win some goodies from The Arran Dog Bakery. To my suprise we won!

Anyway, the lovely people at the dog bakery - Elaine, Sam and Stacey asked if I wouldn't mind sharing some pictures of Edna with her winnings, so I sent them some pictures and they loved them so much they have used one of them on their website!

You can find the Arran Dog Bakery and view their range of dog treats by clicking: HERE

The products made at the bakery really do smell amazing. I was half tempted to have a little nibble of Edna's treat myself!

Monday 10 August 2020

Wandering in the Woods

Nothing much exciting is occurring within the Marcasite household at the moment. 

The dogs are all doing great and we are nervously awaiting Edna's upcoming pregnancy scan.

In the meantime we have been on lots of walks, with both our canine and human friends.

Tuesday 4 August 2020

Puppies on the way?

Just a quick note to say that Edna had a couple of successful dates with a lovely white boy a few weeks ago.

Fingers crossed for a resultant pregnancy.